বাংলাদেশের ট্রান্সক্রিপ্ট বা নম্বরপত্রকে আমেরিকান ইউনিভার্সিটির উপযোগী করে তৈরী করার জন্য বিভিন্ন থার্ড পার্টি ইভ্যালুয়েশনের দরকার হতে পারে। নিচে এরকম কিছু থার্ড পার্টি ইভ্যালুয়েটর নিয়ে আলোচনা করা হলো।
- WES: World Education Service is the most widely known and mentioned evaluator of the world. However, this is most expensive also. In other part of this website you will get personal experience of using WES service by Bangladeshi students. You need to send your Transcripts to them for evaluating. The website is
- IACE: International Academic Credentials Evaluators Inc. is a Texas-based American evaluator, which is much cheaper than WES, but not so widely known. The website of this organization is They do not accept online payment of credit cards; therefore, you need to pay with Bank Check. GREC is the country’s only institute that can issue you a Bank check for this purpose.
- FCSA: Foreign Credentials Service of America is a relatively cheaper evaluator (cheaper than IACE), which is also located at Texas. Their website is
- ACEI: Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute Inc. is a California based institute, which you can choose for your transcript evaluation. Be careful to distinguish between IACE and ACEI. The website of ACEI is
Special tips: You can always contact a number of evaluators and “bargain” of the fees. Since there are many evaluators, you each of them are giving the same service, you can choose one with lower price.
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